I put some new shoes on and suddenly everything’s right

By Sarah Redman

Yes I chose my title inspiration from Paolo Nutini – if by any chance you don’t know him then have a Google or hit up YouTube or iTunes. At the moment I’m obsessed with his new album, Caustic Love.

The title also has some inference on the point of this post. It doesn’t take a genius: New shoes.


Nude pumps & Cuticle tattoos

These are just your bog standard Ballet Pumps from H&M, retailing at £7.99, these beauties come in pretty much every colour. A put on an go kind of shoe, these are made of faux suede so are soft and sweet. Not fantastic for a day of serious walking but they look cute, a versatile and cheep. Sold.


Harley & Freddie playing tug of war in Knole Par, Sevenoaks

Unfortunately these have now been slightly chewed at the back by puppy who is now one year old – and yes still running off with my shoes. Sob!

Are you a fan of a simple pump? Let us know and leave a comment below, Tweet us @thesarahsblog or post on our Facebook page.

Introducing Harley

By Sarah Redman

This is just one of many pictures of little Harley. Clearly a new puppy is all the range at the moment, with everyone from the Obama’s to Kate and Wills’ pooches poping up in photos across social networks and various forms of the media.
So I just thought I would share what has been chewing my shoes… Seriously, my poor shoe collection!
Harley is from Last Chance in Edenbridge, there has been a lot of discussion over whether the Obama’s pooch choice was purely aesthetic or more to do with their daughter’s allergies. But if you have no health issues then a rescue centre is a great place to go for a dog in need of love and care, there were some lovely animals at Last Chance (it was hard not to take them all!) and at only £130 the money you don’t spend on a pedigree can be spent on replacing your carpets… And shoes!
Would you rescue a puppy or dog even if it put your shoe collection in danger? Let us know and leave a comment or Tweet us @thesarahsblog

Man’s best friend or woman’s best accessory?

“Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening” – Coco Chanel [Fashion Designer].

As Coco Chanel said, fashion is in the way we live and for most people their pet is a big part of their lives; part of the family. For the Redman family our dog Daisy was as much a part of daily life as our morning toast. Sadly she passed away on 3rd May 2013, aged 15, she was a very lucky dog with a doting family, but I realised when walking down the street, I had not only lost a faithful companion but the best – for lack of a better word – accessory I ever had.

My favourite accessory is never something I had considered before; I have, like many girls, a rather sizable collection of shoes, bags, belts… whatever you class as an accessory: I have it and I have a lot of them! But the loss of Daisy, made me realise my favourite accessory was the one who followed me round the house in search of food, a hug, or just a game of tug of war that to be honest I never did manage to win. But credit where credit is due, she never once chewed my shoes.

Best dog in the world for a girl who has as many shoes as I do!

“Fashion is a potency in art, making it hard to judge between the temporary and the lasting” – Edmund Clarence Stedman [Journalist / Poet].

Daisy however, will always be my permanent fashion accessory.

Rest In Peace to my Daisy doggy, who always wore her ‘grey slippers’ well.

Daisy Dog

Daisy Dog